서섹스 공작부인 메건: CNN의 감동적인 순간의 히어로즈 스페셜 (전문) 본문
Photo credit: CNN
서섹스 공작부인 메건(Megan)은 1년 중 가장 감동적인 순간과 이를 성사시킨 사람들을 기리는 CNN의 연례 히어로즈 TV 스페셜에 예정에 없던 출연을 했다.
공작부인은 코비드-19 대유행을 언급하며 "지난 1년 동안 우리 사회의 가장 기본적인 욕구를 충족시켜준 개인들에게 감사를 표하면서, 그것은 모두에게 도전적인 일이었다."라고 언급했다.
Referring to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Duchess thanked the "individuals (who) stood up and made sure the most basic needs of our communities were met" over the past year, which she noted was "universally challenging for everyone."
그녀는 이 프로그램에 대해 "그들은 주변 사람들이 고립되어 고통받지 않도록 확실히 했다"라고 말했다.
"They made sure those around them did not have to suffer in isolation," she said on the program.
그녀와 해리 왕자는 지난 3월 코비드-19가 전 세계로 퍼져나가면서 왕실 역할을 떠나, 캘리포니아로 이주했다.
이들은 저자세를 유지하면서도 로스앤젤레스 지역에서 수많은 자선단체와 함께 자원봉사를 계속하고 있다. 지난 4월 만성질환자를 돕는 프로젝트 에인절 푸드(Project Angel Food)를 통해 LA 주민들에게 음식을 전달했다.
이 부부는 학기가 시작되자 베이비 투 베이비와 함께 도움이 필요한 학생들에게 물품을 나눠줬고, 해리 왕자는 참전용사와 가족을 지원하는 콤프턴 기반의 워커 패밀리 이벤트 재단과 함께 자원봉사를 하는 모습도 포착됐다.
그녀는 CNN Heroes 특집에서 "이 참혹한 현실 속에서 우리는 인간 정신과 지역 사회가 어려운 시기에 대응하는 놀라운 방식을 보았다."라고 말했다.
Speaking on the CNN Heroes special, the Duchess noted that "in the face of this devastating reality, we... saw the power of the human spirit and the remarkable ways that communities respond in challenging times."
그녀는 "우리는 이웃들이 굶주리는 동안 방관하지 않겠다고 말하는 우리 이웃 및 전체 지역 사회의 좋은 점을 보았습니다."라고 그녀는 말했다.
"We saw the good in people, in our neighbors and in entire communities coming together to say they would not stand by while our neighbors went hungry," she said.
"In a year that has been universally challenging for everyone, I'm inspired by the stories of compassion in our communities. Across the country, people have put their own needs aside to come together and support the collective wellbeing of those around them.
Back in March, the COVID-19 crisis hit hard and, overnight, everything seemed to change. For many families, the impact of the pandemic has been catastrophic, and far too many were faced with a heartbreaking question: How am I going to put food on the table for my family? But in the face of this devastating reality, we also saw the power of the human spirit and the remarkable ways that communities respond in challenging times.
We saw the good in people, in our neighbors, and in entire communities coming together to say they would not stand by while our neighbors went hungry. We saw communities standing up and taking action. When kids' lunch programs came to a halt, we saw our neighbors make sure that those children received the nutrition they need. And when those who are immunocompromised or most vulnerable couldn't leave their homes, we as a community showed up to deliver the food they needed to their doorsteps.
We know the value of food; as nourishment, as a life source, and in moments of crisis, the warmth of a meal can feel as comforting as a much-needed hug, especially in the absence of human contact due to the social distancing we're all experiencing.
These moments reminded so many that they're cared for.
Tonight, we are celebrating these quiet heroes, some of whom I know, and others that we applaud from afar. These individuals stood up and made sure the most basic needs of our communities were met. They made sure that those around them did not have to suffer in isolation. They nourished their neighbors in more ways than one. And they showed us, all of us, that even in the darkest times, when we come together, we have the power to remind someone else that there is hope, and that we will be okay."
Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, makes surprise appearance on CNN
Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, made an unscheduled appearance on CNN's annual Heroes TV special Sunday to honor the year's most inspiring moments and the people who made them happen.
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