세계 10대 항구 - 물동량 및 규모 기준 부산항의 순위? 본문
세계에서 가장 붐비는 항구는 컨테이너 물동량 기준이기 때문에, 가장 큰 항구와 반드시 일치하지는 않는다.
상하이 항구가 규모 및 물동량에서 1위이고, 부산항은 규모에서는 10위, 물동량에서 5위이다.
물동량 및 규모에서 10대 항구 중에 각각 7곳이 중국에 있다. 동아시아 물동량이 세계의 공장인 중국에서 이루어지다 보니 그들은 항만 인프라를 무한대 확장해 온 반면에, 한국에서는 상대적으로 물량이 줄어드는 부산항의 규모를 키워야 하는지에 대한 고민이 있었을 것이다.
환적 물량이 많았던 부산항의 일부 물량도 선사들이 물동량이 많은 중국 항구들로 옮겨감으로써 어려움에 봉착한 것은 당연한 결과다. 게다가 경영 악화로 국적 선사인 한진 해운이 사라졌고, 최근 물류 대란으로 선박 수배가 되지 않아 수출 업체들이 발을 동동 구르는 상황까지 왔다.
중국 코로나로 닝보항 일부 폐쇄, 글로벌 공급망 차질 우려
어느 날 갑자기 선박 및 컨테이너를 만들어 내는 것은 불가능하다. 하지만, HMM(현대상선)의 장점을 잘 살려 역대 최고의 수출 실적을 올리는 기회를 잘 살려나갔으면 한다.
(물동량 많은 10대 항구)
1. Shanghai Port
2. Singapore Port
3. Shenzhen Port
4. Ningbo Port
5. Port of Busan
6. Port of Hong Kong
7. Port of Guangzhou
8. Port of Qingdao
9. Port of Dubai
10. Port of Tianjin
(Top 10 Biggest Ports in the World in 2021; 화물 처리 능력 면에서 10대 항구)
1. Port of Shanghai
2. Port of Singapore
3. Port of Tianjin
4. Port of Guangzhou
5. Port of Ningbo(Ningbo-Zhoushan)
6. Port of Rotterdam
7. Port of Suzhou
8. Port of Qingdao
9. Port of Dalian
10. Port of Busan
1. Shanghai Port
세계에서 가장 크고 물동량도 가장 많다.(37.1 Million TEUs)
The port forms a very viable maritime porting channel for the River Yangtze and the East China Sea. The construction and development of the port have been acclaimed to be the crucial factor in the development of the city of Shanghai.
2. Singapore Port
Singapore has been instrumental in helping to re-shape the Singaporean economic system. Regarded to be the biggest hub for transhipment activities, about 30.9 million Twenty-Feet Equivalent Units (TEUs) were handled by the port in 2019.
3. Shenzhen Port
The port is regarded to be the second most-engaged shipping ports in China, especially in the Southern part of the Chinese mainland.
4. Ningbo Port
Another Chinese porting facility, the Ningbo port is a highly regarded port in the country of China. This is mainly because it helps facilitate ease in the marine activities carried out between the Northern and Southern part of the country.
The Ningbo recently made headlines as it was effectively merged with the port of Zhoushan to help better the nation’s freight handling operations doing a whopping ~21 Million TEU trade in 2019.
5. Port of Busan
Catering to the South Korean city of Busan as a leading contributor to its economic activities, the port of Busan features fifth in this list.
Its container handling touched a figure of over 19.9 million TEUs in the year 2019, making it a veritable challenger to its other Asian counterparts, in the years to come.
6. Port of Hong Kong
Serving to the South China Sea and a pivotal factor in the advancement of the Hong Kong province, the port of Hong Kong is the third in this list.
It’s inclusion as one of the busiest marine ports dates back to as early as 1987 when it was rated as the top-most busiest ports. In the year 2019, it did a trade of >19.7 million TEUs.
7. Port of Guangzhou
The nation’s busiest port in its Southern part, the port of Guangzhou caters of its namesake city. It’s a primary port for general transit and core shipping activities carried out in the surrounding provinces along with helping marine activities in the delta of the River Pearl. It recorded a trading volume of >18.9 Million TEUs in 2019.
8. Port of Qingdao
The port of Qingdao caters to the province of Qingdao, located near the River Yellow. The port is well-known for handling bulk carrier (dry-bulk) vessels, with its handling figures, crossing 18 million TEUs in 2019.
9. Port of Dubai
The port of Jebel Ali in Dubai is yet another star-studded attraction to the emirate of Dubai, of the United Arab Emirates. In 2019, the port recorded a TEU-handling of over 15.7 million, which was monumental.
10. Port of Tianjin, China
The port of Tianjin, which is in the Northern Part of China. It was formerly known as Port of Tanggu and considered to be the main Maritime Gateway to Beijing. The Port of Tianjin handled a Trade volume of 14.5 Million TEUs in 2019.
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