
세계에서 가장 교육 수준이 높은 12개국 - 한국 1위 본문

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세계에서 가장 교육 수준이 높은 12개국 - 한국 1위

sisu_ 2021. 7. 6. 10:44

교육은 개인은 물론이고 국가의 미래 성공을 결정하기 때문에 대단히 중요하다.

2017 유네스코(UNESCO) 보고서는 고등교육기관에 다니는 세계 학생들의 수가 2000년과 2014 사이에 1 명에서 2.7 명으로 증가했음을 보여주었다.

그러나 나라별 교육 성취도 사이에는 격차가 존재한다. 선진국의 대부분의 성인들이 읽고 아는 반면, 저개발국의 교육의 질은 낮다.

경제협력개발기구(OECD)가 회원국들 교육 수준을 분석한 데이터는 2019년 혹은 최근에 수집되었으며, 25세에서 34 사이의 남녀를 대상으로 했.

고등 교육을 받은 인구의 비율에 의하면 한국이 세계에서 가장 교육 수준이 높고 교육비 지출도 많은 반면에, 러시아는 교육 수준이 상당히 높으면서도 교육비 지출은 낮았다.


1. South Korea (69.8 percent)

2. Canada (63 percent)

3. Russia (62.1 percent)

4. Japan (61.5 percent)

5. Ireland (55.4 percent)

6. Lithuania (55.2 percent)

7. Luxembourg (55 percent)

8. Switzerland (52.7 percent)

9. Austria (52.5 percent)

10. United Kingdom (51.8 percent)

11. United States (50.4 percent)

12. Netherlands (49 percent)

1. South Korea (69.8 percent)

South Korean students take their College Scholastic Ability Test at a school on November 13, 2008 in Seoul, South KoreaCHUNG SUNG-JUN/GETTY IMAGES


OECD 2019'한눈에 보이는 교육' 보고서에 따르면, 2017년에 3~17 최소 90% 교육 과정에 등록했으며, 15~19 87% 등록했으며, 20~24세에서는 50% 떨어졌다.

기관은 또한 우리나라가 초등 고등 교육에서 OECD 평균보다 교육에 많은 돈을 지출하고, 고등 교육에서도 사교육비 지출이 높으며, 유아 및 돌봄 등록률 높으며, 대부분의 아이들이 사설 학원에 등록하고 있다.

12. Netherlands (49 percent)

Students walk on the campus of the Delft University of Technology amid the coronavirus pandemic on April 21, 2020 in Delft, The NetherlandsPIERRE CROM/GETTY IMAGES

11. United States (50.4 percent)

Students sit around the Bruin Bear statue during lunchtime on the campus of UCLA on April 23, 2012 in Los Angeles, CaliforniaKEVORK DJANSEZIAN/GETTY IMAGES

10. United Kingdom (51.8 percent)

Students throw their caps in the air ahead of their graduation ceremony at the Royal Festival Hall on July 15, 2014 in London, EnglandDAN KITWOOD/GETTY IMAGES

9. Austria (52.5 percent)

Students walk on the campus of the Vienna University of Economics and Business on May 24, 2019 in Vienna, AustriaPIERRE CROM/GETTY IMAGES

8. Switzerland (52.7 percent)

Eugene Kaspersky speaks on the Global State of Cyber Security at the ETH University on June 28, 2019 in Zurich, SwitzerlandROBERT HRADIL/GETTY IMAGES

7. Luxembourg (55 percent)

Luxembourg has one of the highest shares of participating adults who are in non-job-related education, among countries with available dataFRANTIC00/GETTY IMAGES

6. Lithuania (55.2 percent)

University students celebrate graduation day on June 30, 2017. An OEDC report reveals tertiary educational attainment levels have increased in the past decade in LithuaniaDAN KITWOOD/GETTY IMAGES

5. Ireland (55.4 percent)

General view of the Long Room in the Trinity College Library, the largest library in Ireland on April 19, 2016 in Dublin, IrelandVINCENT ISORE/IP3/GETTY IMAGES

4. Japan (61.5 percent)

Female students during lecture in a big lecture hall in Tokyo, Japan on April, 15, 2014 CHRISTIAN ENDER/GETTY IMAGES

3. Russia (62.1 percent)

The Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy), aka MArchI, is a famous architecture school in Russia. on December 10, 2015 in Moscow, RussiaFRÉDÉRIC SOLTAN/CORBIS/GETTY IMAGES

2. Canada (63 percent)

The Université de Montréal in Montreal, Canada, circa 1960. It was designed by architect Ernest CormierFREDERIC LEWIS/GETTY IMAGES



The 12 most educated countries in the world

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)—a leading think tank among countries with developed economies—has analyzed education levels among its members.


